Two Books Concerning Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - A Translation and Truth, Dare, Kiss… Cheat!

In his handwritten book "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight A Translation" Michael Gibson has achieved what he thinks may be the ‘closest’ version yet of this fourteenth century masterpiece. Then, in a companion book that is also handwritten and is called "Truth, Dare, Kiss… Cheat!" he tells how he addressed aspects of the tale that had long baffled him, and of ‘falling into’ a surprising new ‘perspective’ on it.

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On English Poetry and Poems

Some Further Thoughts

The Prattling Professor

I have a great interest in English poetry, as I am sure do many if not all members of The Queen’s English Society. I think that ‘the world of English poetry’, if it may be called that, is in considerable confusion in some respects.

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